breastfeeding resources

When it comes to breastfeeding, there are unlimited resources available to you. We know it may be overwhelming to figure out which information is trustworthy. Below are several resources we love that provide accurate and reliable information to help you through your breastfeeding journey. Some are even available locally!

Prenatal Breastfeeding Support


Healthfirst Network

Virtual Zoom support group

4th Tuesday of the month at 6pm

Ready, Set, Baby

Virtual Zoom classes

Mondays at 12pm and 2pm

Tuesdays in Spanish at 11am

Marshfield Medical Center - Weston

In-person classes

To register, call 715-393-3046

Aspirus Women's Health Birth Center

In-person and virtual classes

To register, call 715-847-2380




Local Hospital and Clinic Information


Aspirus Women's Health Birthing Center, Wausau

715-847-2910; Warmline 1-866-227-0105

Aspirus Langlade Hospital Antigo

715-623-9280 or 715-623-9898

Aspirus Medford Hospital 

715-748-8456; Warmline 1-866-227-0105

Marshfield Medical Center, Weston

Warmline 715-393-3222

St. Joseph's Hospital Birth Center, Marshfield

Breastfeeding Warmline 715-389-3903




New Parent Support Groups


Circle of Moms Group - Marshfield Medical Center Marshfield

In-person; Thursdays at 10am

Mommy and Me Support Group - Aspirus Women's Health Birth Center

In-person; First Monday of the month


New Moms Class - Aspirus Stevens Point

In-person; Mondays 10:30-11:30am



Breastmilk Donation


Mothers' Milk Bank of the Western Great Lake




Telephone and Web Services

Healthfirst Network WIC Program


University of Wisconsin Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine Clinic


M-F 8:15am-5pm

LaLeche League 




Wisconsin WIC Breastfeeding

The state of Wisconsin encourages moms to work with a breastfeeding peer counselor and provides additional information to help moms make an informed decision on breastfeeding. See more in the link below. 

WIC: Breastfeeding and Lactation Support | Wisconson Department of Health Services


Returning to work while still providing your baby with breastmilk can be challenging. Learn your rights and find resources to share with your employer at the link below. 

FLSA Protections to Pump at Work | U.S. Department of Labor